Our Vision
To be a leader in provision of quality and professional services in Forestry, Environment, Climate Change and community development work in the Eastern African region.
To build a well Managed, Sustainable and Profitable Forestry sector in Kenya and beyond.
Core Business
The Directors
Philip W. Wamahiu
Simon K Kage
Philip W. Wamahiu – holder of a B.Sc. Forestry (Hons) with over 40 years’ experience in forestry management, marketing and utilization of forest products. He has worked for the Government of Kenya, an international Company Lonrho (EA) in forestry projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, several NGOs and as private businessman. Currently, he holds the position of the lead consultant.
Simon K Kage – Holder of a BSc Forestry (Hons) and a Diploma in Management of NGOs /Project Management and has over 25 years’ experience in Forestry Management, Project Management, Training in Forestry, Environment, Climate Change and Implementation of Bio carbon Projects projects. He has held lead positions NGOs dealing with forestry and environmental in Kenya. Currently he is in charge of all the project management and training activities in the Company.